Couple Tattoos for Valentine’s Day: What to Keep in Mind with Matching Tattoos

Couple tattoos for Valentine's Day

Like many couples, you and your significant other maybe considering getting matching tattoos this Valentine’s Day. While this will symbolize your love, there are a few things to keep in mind before doing this. Therefore, we have put together things to keep in mind when getting matching couple tattoos for Valentine’s Day.

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Risks of Getting Inner Lip Tattoos

risks of getting inner lip tattoos

There’s an increasing number of celebrities sharing their inner lip tattoos, as well as an increase in the popularity of the Black Panther movie and the Wakanda lip tattoos that they use to recognize each other. Therefore, is not a surprise that there has been a spike of interest in inner lip tattoos. Some of the appeal of this type of tattoo is that they are easy to hide so you don’t have to worry about having to conceal it or it having an impact on your professional life. However, there are some things you need to know before getting a lip tattoo. We will discuss the risks of getting inner lip tattoos.

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The Importance of Choosing a Quality Tattoo Shop in Bryan/College Station, TX

The Importance of Choosing a Quality Tattoo Shop

Quality over quantity is a common saying when it comes to many aspects in life. When choosing a tattoo artist in Bryan/College Station, TX, this is no different. While cheap prices may be enticing, you must keep in mind your own health and safety when visiting a tattoo shop. We will discuss the importance of choosing a quality tattoo shop.

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How to Plan for Your First Tattoo as a College Student


How to Plan for Your First Tattoo as a College Student

Tattoos have become more and more popular in the younger generation, especially among college students. However, it is crucial to plan properly when getting a tattoo to ensure this is the right choice for you. Therefore, we have put together how to plan for your first tattoo as a college student.

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How to Plan Your Tattoo with Your Tax Refund


How to Plan Your Tattoo with Your Tax Refund

For the majority of people, the first few months of the year brings tax season. Many are trying to find useful ways to spend their additional cash, and tattoos are great for a long lasting reward! However, tattoos, particular large, custom pieces, can be expensive. For those seeking to get a new tattoo this tax season, here’s a few helpful tips on how to plan your tattoo with your tax refund.

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Give Your Loved Ones a Gift Certificate to Tattoo Consortium!

Gift Certificate - Tattoo Consortium

The holidays are upon us! Are you still looking for a gift for a friend or family member? Consider purchasing a gift certificate for Tattoo Consortium for your loved ones this Christmas!

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Tips for Keeping Your Tattoo Bright and Beautiful This Summer Provided by Tattoo Consortium

summer tattoo

Summer is finally here! This is certainly the best time of the year to show off your summer body and freshly inked masterpiece covered in clothing most of the year. However, the sun can be damaging to your tattoo. You already spent a lot of time and effort to get it done and the idea that it may fade can be cause of woe; not to mention all the topical anesthetic applied to your skin. Tattoo Consortium has compiled a list of helpful tips to help you keep your tattoo bright and beautiful this summer.

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